Always Becoming Educated (#AlwaysBE)
5 Reasons Why They Take You Seriously
1. You pay attention to your shoes
You understand that it’s not about how much you spend on your shoes but how much care you take of them. Cleaned and polished on a regular basis, with the appropriate use of shoe trees.
You know that women notice and respect your well kept shoes as well as the person conducting your job interview, business meeting or presentation.
2. You harness the power of a pocket square (handkerchief)
You express yourself without reserve, through your small square. Sometimes a simple white straight fold to close a deal in business, other times a patterned winged puff at a wedding. Most importantly you never match your tie and pocket square (pattern or fabric), because giving off the impression your Aunty Judy buys them as a set from the local Post Office is childish.
3. Your Shirt Sleeves are the right length
You only expose 1/4″ to 1/2″ of cuff from where your jacket sleeve ends. You understand that too much (cuff shown) and it looks like you’re wearing your dads shirt, as well as too little (cuff shown) and you look like a teenager out growing his school uniform.
4. When you want to show off your legs, you wear shorts
You always make sure that when you sit down and your trousers leg raises, your socks are long enough to cover any exposed flesh.
5. You always aim to own at least 3 good suits at any one time (more if suits are everyday wear)
Different seasons, different occasions, even different days call for a different suit. Not everyone knows this, but then not everyone is taken seriously like you are *wink*. Most importantly you don’t need to be told that your suit needs to have a rest after a hard days work (yes, non-serious guy, even suits require annual leave).
We hope you enjoyed reading our latest post. Click here and come see us for your Suits, Shirts, Overcoats and Style advice
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