Even if you’re someone who sweats profusely and leaves hardened yellow deodorant stains in shirt armpits, with a few simple tips the lifetime of your shirt can be increase considerably.
If you’re a man who works a corporate job then chances are that you’re required to wear a crisp dress shirt as part of the uniform or office wear. For most men a fresh shirt everyday is the bare minimum, for some it may even be two. So that’s 5-10 shirts being worn and washed every 7 days. Very few garments can stand such conditions over long periods of time and keep their great condition. Your shirts are not one of them.
The Armpit
A few men may lose good shirts to sweat but we believe even these shirts should live longer – when you know how.
If you find you sweat too much and stain the armpits, try wearing an undershirt to help absorb any moisture (as well as antiperspirant/deodorant).
The Neck & Wrists
For most men the part of the shirt that takes the most damage is the collar and cuffs – even worst if you have oily skin. We talked about how to keep these parts clean during this Morts & More Moment. Be sure to watch and take notes.Collars and cuffs are the place to find wear and tear on an old shirt. Usually caused by oily skin or an increased amount of friction.
How To Get The Most Out Of Your Shirts
The best way to extend the life of your shirt when the collar and cuffs are disintegrating, is to make sure you order a extra (spare) collar and pair of cuffs when buying your shirt.

When your cuffs or collar get to the land of no return, then get your tailor to swap them out with the spare set. Voila! A new lease of life.
We hope you took something from these tips and hope to see you soon.
Get your shirts, collars and cuffs here!
By appointment only, we can meet with you to discuss and create your bespoke garments. We’re based in Bank, London. Book your appointments here.