5 Tips For Running For A Bus In Your Tailored Suit

Wearing a tailored suit is great. The way you look and the way you feel is second to none. If your suit fits well, you’ll feel like you can play football in it (however we don’t recommend this at all!!). If like us, you live and work in London, then most likely you have to battle the warzone that is Transport for London. Tubes, trains, taxi’s, and the bus.

Now, there are two types of guys in this life. Those that run for the bus and those that’d rather be late (Obviously there’s those who leave out so early, even if they miss three buses they’re on time. But we’re not gonna discuss those people). This post is for the man that runs!

running for a bus

1. Make sure your knees never reach above your waist line level.

Yes you may have been ‎the all county sprint champion at school, but there’s a time and a place. And unless you want to see the fabric on either side of your crotch seam part ways, I’d suggest you keep them knees low.


crotch split

2. Don’t make eye contact…with anybody!

You may be the guy in a suit, running for a bus, but that doesn’t mean you’re not still cool. People watch you, you don’t watch people. Running for a bus, is nothing for you but an event for them.


eye contact

3. Keep your bag in your hand, not strapped over your shoulder.

Not that it should be strapped over your shoulder when even walking (the damage to your suit shoulders just isn’t worth it). But running with your bag on your shoulder makes you look like a school kid. You’re a grown man, hold your bag in your hand.

kids running



4. Don’t make a big deal out of it.

If you catch the bus, don’t do a fist pump or have a huge smile on your face. It’s nothing. You ran down the street in your suit but it’s nothing. If you miss the bus, don’t throw your hands in the air like you missed a goal at Wednesday 5-a-side. Just keep running past the bus stop like you wasn’t running for the bus. Yep that’s right! You’re just running cus you feel like it.


Catch a bus

5. If you fall over, abort mission.

Nope! You’re no longer running for THAT bus, you’re now running for cover. If you fall over, trip, buckle, then pick yourself up and run around the first corner you see. Don’t be that guy that gets sympathy looks and/or smirks from fellow passengers on the bus. There’s nothing worse than someone asking “are you ok”, after you’ve had an embarrassing drop. “I’m fine, let’s all sit here quietly and let this moment pass”.



Are You A Guy Who Runs For The Bus?

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We look forward to seeing you soon; the most stylish guy in the room.

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p.s. Be sure to follow us on Twitter (@mortsandmore) or Youtube (Morts & More Moment) for more of your useful style advice and Instagram (@mortsandmore) for style inspiration.

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